Shawn Punjwani is a real estate developer and property management expert. Maintaining a niche for generating revenue increases, Punjwani has a knack for seeking out and acquiring properties with true potential.
Early Experience

Franchise Management & Leadership
Senior Management Director of Southland Corporation
In 1984, Shawn Punjwani broke into the world of business by taking on the role of Franchisee of 7 stores owned and operated by Southland Corporation. This experience quickly proved fruitful, as Punjwani set his sights on ranking as a high performer at the local level. As Senior Management Director of his 7 franchise locations, Punjwani was responsible for revenue management, expense control and store strategy implementation. Quickly, he registered areas where the stores could improve and quickly developed observation-backed strategies to fill in the blanks. This resulted in major milestones that made his budgeting and knack for generation revenue really stand out. Shining in the light of his accomplishments, the young entrepreneur was awarded by Southland Corporation with the ‘Second Top Most Performer’ in his district. This recognition specifically hailed Punjwani’s ability to bring the most NOI (net operating income) to the company for the district overall. This early taste of success energized Punjwani.
Hotel & Hospitality Real Estate Management
For three decades, Shawn Punjwani has stood at the helm of his first hotel and hospitality venture: Embassy Hotel Holdings LLC. Over the years, the company has made a name for itself in the local hospitality industry of Minneapolis. Though Punjwani largely credits this to his personable and inclusive leadership approaches, it’s fair to say that his prior experience has played a major part.
Through Embassy Hotel Holdings LLC, Shawn Punjwani has been responsible for assisting more than 30 independent hospitality businesses in massively increasing their profits. And to this day, he even continues to own and operate the very hotel that really made his approaches take off. But as Embassy Hotel Holdings evolves, Punjwani is now looking to expand the company’s portfolio of hotel and hospitality properties.